在医疗保健, the consensus among stakeholders is clear – the imperative to curb expenses and prevent cost escalation is paramount. 然而,实现这一目标的一个经常被忽视的途径是在医疗保健供应链中. 在这方面,发现隐性成本和确定节约领域至关重要. 在医疗保健供应链中, 在哪些地方,正确处理医疗用品和救生药物至关重要, 具有成本效益的措施是成功的关键.
This article explores the often-unseen expenses within healthcare supply chains and explores the role of dedicated 医疗物流解决方案 不仅要确定这些成本,还要减少这些成本, 确保高效的产品流程, 明智的决策, 并最终, 保护生命. We will also discuss the strategic significance of partnering with a 医疗物流公司 to achieve cost savings and enhance the secure storage and distribution of critical medical supplies, 从而改善病人的治疗效果.
The entire healthcare supply chain should ideally be planned to reduce expenses and enhance patient safety and care by avoiding treatment delays. Healthcare administrators identify the cost reductions required to achieve profit margins on Medicare rates when they examine various cost-cutting objectives. 然后他们将目标的一部分分配给公司内部的其他小组. 通过降低医疗费用和便利卫生专业人员获得基本资源, 医疗保健供应链的有效管理通常可以改善患者的治疗效果.
Given that the supply chain function manages a significant portion of a healthcare system’s external expenditures, 医疗物流解决方案作为绩效优化的战略投资脱颖而出. 运转良好的医疗保健供应链有助于提高弹性, 改善病人护理, 医师满意度提高, 潜在的减少 高达10% 在供应支出方面,并加强卫生系统的定位,以实现其增长雄心.
An additional challenge encountered in the healthcare industry pertains to hidden costs within the healthcare supply chain. 通常,组织只关注产品价格和交付费用. 但是,有额外的费用,如库存持有成本. 一些隐性成本包括:
虽然主要的医疗保健供应链通常有年度节约目标, 这些很少与其他功能和临床领域的输入协同设置. 共同设定跨设施和职能的目标可以创建共享的节约目标, 确保统一的使命,以发现和实施储蓄机会. 这种方法使所有利益相关者负起责任, 促进供应链各职能部门之间的协作, 服务线, 和设施.
Effective healthcare supply chain analytics can significantly reduce costs by proactively identifying and utilizing items before expiration, 降低高偏好项目的成本, 促进全院标准化. 然而,由于数据可用性差或差,许多医院在利用分析方面面临挑战. 集成技术, 例如用于高质量医疗保健的软件, 能否加强产品定价策略和供应链管理, 启用预测性库存管理, 最优排序, 智能库存管理.
Since incoming transportation can account for as much as one-third of a healthcare organization’s overall logistics costs, 医疗物流解决方案的主动管理, 例如入境运输, 是至关重要的. 执行审核入站运输流程等步骤, 跟踪发货, 创建首选运营商计划, 通过谈判降低运输费率可以帮助减少这些隐性成本. Forward-thinking organizations are recognizing and elevating the pivotal role of the healthcare supply chain in addressing these distinctive challenges. 他们正在与一家高效的医疗物流公司合作,寻找并降低成本.
医疗保健供应链中的年度节省目标通常是供应链功能所独有的, neglecting valuable input from other clinical and functional areas and thereby ignoring potentially valuable 医疗物流解决方案. Optimizing the healthcare supply chain involves strategic investments in a dedicated on-the-ground supply chain team, 促进供应链专业人员和各级临床医生之间的面对面讨论. It is crucial to involve professionals with clinical backgrounds in supply chain initiatives because they succeed when localized insights are the driving force. 这些人在支持项目启动方面发挥着关键作用, 识别本地改善机会, 培养与医生和机构领导的关系.
有效地解决医疗保健供应链中的隐性成本, 医院必须建立与特定目标相一致的指标:保持适当的库存水平, 在正确的地方, 而且是在正确的时间. 不幸的是, 许多医疗机构都面临数据可用性不足的问题, 强调准确信息对供应链改进的重要性. The adage that bad data is worse than no data underscores the inefficiencies stemming from unclear situational awareness.
解决这些挑战的关键在于有效的供应链分析, 能够在过期前主动识别和利用物品. 这种积极主动的方法扩展到降低与高偏好医师项目相关的成本. 为了支持这些努力,集成高质量的医疗保健软件变得至关重要. 这样的软件, 与医疗物流一体化, 授权供应商对其产品采用整体方法, 包括供应流动和管理的复杂性. 真正的潜力在于将使用数据与复杂的分析结合起来, 为全面的供应链优化提供最大的见解. 它还可以帮助:
- Predicting stock at risk: Leading hospitals and medical practices can analyze the likelihood of a unit of stock expiring based on the rate of usage and remaining shelf life.
- 最优订购:使用合适的系统, a surgical department can function with an average across the hospital of 4–6 weeks of supply if the supply chain has immediate visibility into what is being used, 当前库存水平, 供应商交货期.
- 聪明地管理库存:自动化, intelligent stock management enables hospitals to frequently review their stock ordering policy and helps them effectively manage delivery exceptions.
Proactively managing inbound transportation is a critical endeavor in optimizing the healthcare supply chain, 必须作出战略努力,以产生实质性的利益. 随着医疗保健组织应对入站物流的复杂性, five key tips emerge as essential for controlling transportation costs and ensuring an efficient supply chain.
- 审核入站运输流程首先对你的入站运输过程进行全面的审计. 评估当前实践的效率、可靠性和成本效益. 确定需要改进、精简和潜在成本节约的领域. 审计是了解现有运输状况的基础步骤.
- 使用适当的运输分类: 根据运输要求对医疗保健项目进行适当分类. This step involves matching the transportation mode and conditions with the specific needs of medical products. 确保准确的分类可以提高效率, 缩短运输时间, 并将损坏的风险降到最低, 有助于整体成本控制.
- 实施稳健的货物跟踪: 在运输过程中采用先进的跟踪系统. Real-time tracking not only reduces the time spent confirming shipments but also allows for proactive monitoring of individual carrier performance. 这一步骤增强了供应链的可见性, 能够及时采取干预措施,确保医疗用品安全及时送达.
- 建立首选运营商计划: Create a preferred carrier program that identifies reliable carriers in your busiest transportation lanes. 这个程序有助于评估关键因素,如取件覆盖率, 运输时间, 服务设施位置, 技术能力, 金融稳定. 通过整合运输供应商, 组织获得谈判更好的费率和最小化成本的杠杆.
- 协商较低的运输费率: 积极与选定的承运人协商运输费率. 使用的供应商越少,获得有利的运输折扣的杠杆就越大. 参与谈判以取消或修改附加费用, 确保运输安排透明及具成本效益. 谈判价格是优化医疗保健供应链中运输成本的关键步骤.
选择合适的合作伙伴是有效执行这些建议的基础. A reputable 医疗物流公司 with expertise in healthcare supply chain solutions can provide valuable insights, 实施高效的运输策略, 并有助于节省总体成本. Collaborating with a trusted 医疗物流公司 ensures a seamless integration of these tips into the broader supply chain framework, 最终提高医疗保健供应链的效率并降低成本.
专用的 医疗物流解决方案 能否通过解决隐性成本和提高整体效率来节省大量成本.
- 提供更优质的客户服务: 先进的技术和高效的流程使订单实时更新和准时交货成为可能, 提高客户满意度, 尤其对救命的医疗用品至关重要.
- 节省时间,提高效率: 外包物流任务减少了内部资源的压力, 让员工专注于关键任务, 最终节省资金,提高整体效率.
- 减少短缺的风险: 实时跟踪供应可以最大限度地减少短缺的风险, 提高资源跟踪的准确性,减少处理用品和药物的错误.
- 省钱: 与正确的人合作 医疗物流公司 can lead to cost savings through efficient route planning and continuous improvement guided by data.
- 扩大规模或进入新市场: 可靠的物流供应商可以随着组织的增长而扩展服务, 消除了对额外内部资源或车队的需求.
- 简化合规: Outsourcing to a provider compliant with industry regulations can improve efficiency and provide peace of mind in managing complex compliance requirements.
Adopting dedicated 医疗物流解决方案 not only ensures the secure storage and distribution of medical supplies but also contributes to significant cost savings and operational efficiency improvements in the healthcare supply chain. 如果您的医疗保健业务旨在提供更好的客户服务, 节省时间, 减少短缺的风险, 省钱, 规模, 或者简化遵从性, 一个专门的物流解决方案是一个有价值的考虑.
Lean healthcare supply chain management focuses on long-term relationships along with highly integrated 医疗物流解决方案. The emphasis is on improving 医疗物流公司 relationships along with long-term strategic alliances. 医疗保健领导者在寻找模范医疗物流公司时应优先考虑专业知识, 安全, 量身定制的服务.
顶级合作伙伴在医疗后勤方面表现出无与伦比的熟练程度, 强调对关键物资的细致处理. 他们最先进的医疗买球用什么正规app符合最高标准, 确保合规存储和精确分配. 安全程序在各个行业都是统一的,优先考虑产品安全和客户信任. 安全措施,包括FDA和USDA 认证,都是量身定制的,以应对独特的医疗行业挑战. Choose a provider with both an asset-based fleet and a 3PL brokerage that offers flexible transportation options. 寻找可以提供跟踪方法的运营商.
医疗保健需要控制开支和提高效率, 因此,理解和解决供应链中的隐性成本变得至关重要. 本博客深入研究了医疗保健供应链中经常看不见的费用, 为节约成本的策略提供见解. From jointly setting goals and leveraging analytics to controlling transportation costs and embracing dedicated 医疗物流解决方案, 向更高效和更具成本效益的医疗保健供应链的旅程是光明的.
与正确的人合作 医疗物流公司 that emphasizes long-term supplier relationships and integrated supply chain management emerges as a strategic move. 通过采取这些措施, healthcare organizations can not only 省钱 but also ensure the secure storage and distribution of vital medical supplies, 最终有助于改善患者的治疗效果.